Wednesday, May 16, 2007


Am tired!!! Arrived back from Birmingham about 1.30 last night where we ventured down to watch the Silverferns play Aussie…. I was really excited going down(John drove) and although I havent watched any international Netball on TV or otherwise it was still nice to see some of the old favourites such as Temapara George & Irene Van Dyke playing. Although I must say Irene was outclassed by new GA girl who I cant for the life of me think of her name right now… The Aussies also played a much smarter game with short sharp passes where as we played a lot of unsure passes & the marking from Aussie was fabulous… Although I still cant understand how we don’t get away with a lot of things that they were doing! :) It would never work for us. Such as catching the ball in the air before you actually land! :)
It was sadly a disapointing game, NZ lost by 4 in the end and although they had moments of brilliance they always seemed to throw it away when they had a chance to get ahead…..I was highly emotional swearing & cussing at our team(and a few loud go kiwis thrown in the mix) the english sitting around me were a little confused…..
Although one of the FUNNIEST thing I have ever seen at a netball match. The England A vs. England game was stopped for a good 15mins as there was water leaking from the ceiling!!!!!! Hahahahha, no one knew how to fix the problem so they just sent these ball girls out to the court to wipe everytime a drip dropped. I think in the end it stopped raining so they could resume play… Highly amusing!
Am exhausted today, trying to haggle with our landlord over our bond as he doesn’t think that we have given him enough notice! So ridiculously stupid really! Just unecesary tiredness! Anyways am going to play a quick game at 6.30 then head home to eat & sleep…. Have tuckered myself out!

Thursday, May 10, 2007

feeling bored, sick, tired

Have been sick this week. Have done nothing but move from bed - work, work - bed.. Stopping at the supermarket on the way for some soup etc. Feeling much better today but im still really nasal! Have been thinking a lot about things that I want to do when I have my few days off before I take off. Would like to get my future read at mysteries in Convet Garden & just shop around a little in Camden & Notting hill, get some groovy dresses etc. And of course just wander the parks & hang out with Ralph. This weekend am meant to be going out with a few of the netball girls for a posh night out & also on Saturday going to see a Mill Wall game with a friend of mine…… Hes trying to scare me out of going, but I want to see what its all about! Other than that, although ive been sick ive actually enjoyed doing nothing all week
Just found this old part of a blog that I started writing…Will post it now even though its from a few weeks ago.. Am tired!, am over this cold but…. So sick of working

Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Was meant to be playing netball tonight but its raining. Not sure if its going to be cancelled yet. Am excited that im going to Birmingham to watch the SIlverFerns play Aussie! I cant remember if I wrote that yet but its exciting! hehe, also going to "*Earls Court* to watch England play NZ & Aussie. I am a little netball obsessed lately.. Just trying to keep fit lol. But at least it keeps me fit & I enjoy it!.... I usually like the rain but im in the mood to let off a little steam! :) Some fotos mainly of me & Ralphie. Ralph was working in Windsor last week Sunday So I went out to meet him after his shift, we had a really nice trip & it was the 1st time that ive been out there... Plus had the best Fish & Chips that ive had since I got home! A few other random images from around London aswell... xxxxx

Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Arabic engagement???!?!?!

Just saw in the TNT this morning that Keisha Castle-Huges (the girl off whale-rider) has just had a baby at the age of 17. Cant believe it. Although im not really all that sure why, all the girls from school are pregnant too…. Although I guess there is a little bit of an age difference. The weekend just gone was a bank holiday one although I didn’t really get up to that much. Thursday I got so trashed and ended up partying in GAY with some random french gay men I met at a pub when my friends disappeared. (class) I didn’t get home until 4 in the morning… Tried getting up for work in the morning but I was still so trashed that I just fell back asleep. Rocked into work about 12 when I was meant to be there at 8.30. Still drunk & also feeling sich at the same time…. So Friday I really wasn’t able to go out… Spen the night sleeping and then woke up around 9 and packed everything up which I am shipping home. So everything that I am taking home is all packed away! :( How sad…. Saturday was pretty calm. Went to the walkie for some dudes leaving party. It was a nice night, but then we went to a house party and I wasn’t feeling the vibe so went home aroung 1ish….. Sunday spent the day with my stuff trekking to south London( I live in North West) with all my stuff… John came and picked me up at waterloo though so it was all good, I had a carride…. Anyways I went with him on Sunday night to a random arabic engagemetn party. Funny arabic dancing and free bar & food and all dressed up… Weird random pics attached! Anyways, work is dragging im so over it and it must be getting more and more obvious everyday that im doing nothing lol….
Have just booked netball tickets to see the Silverferns play Aussie in Birmingham so John is going to drive us down next Tuesday…. The Thurs am watching the NZvs England game in London so am very excited!
Anyways peace and love! Make the most of everything in life!