Thursday, November 09, 2006

Season with a smile

I absolutely loved summer in London, I loved all the free festivals, The sitting in beer gardens, BBQs(or Braiis for my boyfriend), sunbathing on the roof with my flatmates, beach trips, Free BBQs at the redback, The english people who I had previously believed were a semi dead race of sorrys and pardons that only came alive with a few drinks of alcohol began to have personalitys in the summer, the clothes were brighter and people greeted each other. Every corner that you turned there were things going on. I think Europeans just appreciate summer much more than we do at home. I remember being in Birmingham visiting a friend of mine, on one of the 1st Summer days she is a typically white british girl and got totally sunburnt but she couldn’t make herself stop sitting in the sun. I managed to forget some of the long dreary days of the winter I had just lived through…. And now its started again! And its all coming back to me! Its dark when I get up in the morning! Dark when I leave work at night, theres a chill inside of me which doesn’t go away once it starts….. But ive lived through this before, there are some good things about winter aswell! I means xmas is coming up (Finland Trip yay) and New Years, its no wonder that everyone gets so excited by them here! And if things are looking too dreary I cant forget that im going to the South African summer for 2 weeks in January! And if it gets too bad I can alwys watch a DVD. So bring it on winter! I can take it. X .G.

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