Monday, November 27, 2006

living for food & good times :)

Well I had one of those great weekends where everything and nothing happens all at once!
Friday night we had our netball prizegiving we had won our grade so being the only person there from my team I must have been a hysterical sight struggling to run for the last tubes with 10 trophies a little pissed so laughing hysterically at everything…. :) But the trophies arrived home safe which is good as last time I fell flat on my face on the district line, lost the back of my cell and smashed 1/2 of the trophies.. So just to know that this time they arrived intact! :)
Saturday was a pretty relaxing a rugby day. Missioned it to Putney to meet up with the antipoedian crowd to watch the All Blacks play the Welsh, after all the drama about the Haka not being done on the field we finally settled down and managed to get well drunk. Ended up in She bu belushis and munched on an Aussie pie on my way home….. I really have to stop going to She bu, I always get so wasted there, thank god I don’t live there!
Sunday was my favourite type of day. I met up with about 8 couchsurfers and we went to for Dim Sum, this cute little chinese guy steve took us to one of his favourite restaurants, ordered nearly most of the menu for us to try and it was orgasmically good! I loved the food, it was amazing! I have never had chinese as good. We sat having good conversation and the best meal out I have had in a long time. Afterwards we just went for coffee and I went home…to sleep :) I love weekends in London, so much to do!
I also managed to finally sign up for the american green card lottery, so wish me luck! I wanna go to New York! X


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